Every now and then
you find someone you really like,
but sometimes in the end
they may not fit you right
My baby's in love with a shoe salesman
the man who works down the block
yes, she's in love for the first time, again
he's got her heart tied up in a knot
With all his talk about the price he can give
he's got her sold on the life they could live
just like the slippers in the window there
he says they make such a cozy pair

My baby's in love with a shoe salesman
it makes me feel like a sock full of holes
it all began when she window-shopped
an' pretty soon he was holding her sole
Now she's in love with that man down the street
and he's in love with her feet
I try to think everything is alright,
but who's gonna keep my feet warm at night
Oh, I love her even though
she's made a heel out of me

My baby's in love with a shoe salesman
now I don't fit her,
no, I don't fit her
now I don't fit her anymore.
Adrian Belew
I'll now have a listen.....just as soon as I locate one.
And Gordie?
I'm sorry you were treated so disrespectfully.
((((((((( Gordie )))))))))))
this will bring a smile to you face, it just arrived in my inbox and I thought I'd share it with the world. . .
"Who is more desirable to date"
1. Diarmuid Byron-o`connor (9 points, voted 13 times)
2. Gordon Rae (20 points, voted 85 times)
3. Vicus Kaliyuga (0 points, voted 3 times)
(and I have to tell you, Diarmuid id gorgeous! so that makes you super gorgeous. . .)
hugs and kisses, ILTV
(that first image is a great shot to open your blog with BTW, I think you could leave it there permenantly)(however we're spelling permanently thesedays)
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